Windows in Bexleyheath | Aluminium or uPVC?

Whether it’s your first time purchasing new windows for your Bexleyheath property, or you’re a landlord and seasoned veteran in this area, sometimes it’s difficult to decide between uPVC and aluminium windows. It’s certainly not quite as simple as choosing between a single pane of glass and double glazing. After all, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. So on this page, our glaziers have pitted the two against each other in a number of important categories.

Aluminium Windows vs uPVC Windows

Cost – When it comes to cost, aluminium windows are the premium option. uPVC windows are more affordable, but if you buy a poorly manufactured uPVC product that won’t stand the test of time, they may prove less cost effective in the long-term. If, due to budget limitations, our Bexleyheath customers are facing a choice between single glazed aluminium windows and uPVC windows with double glazing, our glaziers will typically recommend the latter. The benefits of double glazing are too significant to ignore.

Durability – Aluminium is an extremely strong material, considering how light it is. If you perhaps own and operate a commercial or industrial property in Bexleyheath that could be a target for thieves, then enlisting our glaziers to fit it with strong aluminium windows and reinforced glass could be a smart idea. While uPVC windows are generally secure enough, the peace of mind that aluminium provides could be worth the extra cost on its own. Typically, aluminium windows also last longer than their uPVC equivalent. We urge security conscious homeowners to always invest in double glazing when purchasing new windows. Featuring two layers of glass, they’re difficult to break than single-glazed windows. What’s more, they’re more difficult to accidently damage.

Upkeep – Maintenance-wise, both uPVC and aluminium windows are easy to look after, especially when compared with wooden ones. When either get dirty, all you’ll need is a non-alkaline liquid detergent, some water and a dish cloth. Afterwards, they’ll look as good as new. However, when new windows are fitted, be sure to find out if the manufacturer has any specific instruction on how to wash them. If in doubt, ask our glaziers near Bexleyheath.

Insulation – Featuring multi-chambered frames, uPVC windows are great insulators. They can increase a property’s energy efficiency and dampen noisy neighbours and passing traffic. However, the number one concern when looking to insulate a property is double glazing. If you have double glazing featured throughout your Bexleyheath property, then the difference between aluminium and uPVC windows is fairly negligible.

Aesthetic – While windows’ aesthetic appeal is largely subjective, one major complaint with certain types of uPVC windows is they can look cheap. It’s important to point out that modern uPVC windows look a lot better than those of yore, and if you’re unsure how far they’ve come along, we urge you to drop in to our showroom near Bexleyheath, in Dartford. Our glaziers will be able to guide you through our expansive product range, and help you locate something that appeals to your sense of style. Aluminium windows, especially when complete with double glazing, can look fantastic – and more of a premium, luxurious choice. You may notice that an increasing number of Bexleyheath property developers are incorporating them in their properties; they seem to be rather in vogue right now. Ultimately it all comes down to personal taste. We encourage you to visit our outlet if you’d like to see a selection of both aluminium windows and uPVC windows first hand.

Still unsure which choice is best for you? Call our glaziers near Bexleyheath on 07831 159 559.