Aluminium Windows Manufactured & Installed by Your Glaziers in Bexleyheath & Kent | Russell Glazing

Across our website, there’s a lot of talk of uPVC and the many characteristics which make it a prime choice for windows and doors. One of these characteristics is its distinctly affordable price point. But what if you want to pay a little more to get something that goes above and beyond? You should consider aluminium windows, manufactured and installed by the team at Russell Glazing, favoured glaziers for all Kent locales including Dartford, Sidcup, Longfield and Bexley.

Being one of the toughest, yet lightest materials used in construction and development, aluminium makes for extremely durable windows suited to the security conscious. Their strength isn’t the only thing going for aluminium windows, however. With extremely attractive energy ratings and a luxurious aesthetic that’s understated, sleek and modern, they can help you improve your property on a number of fronts simultaneously.

Bespoke Aluminium Windows

We can customise the design and colour of your aluminium windows, as well as provide a range of glazing and hardware options so you can get the perfect product to suit your space and needs. Whatever choices you make on the customisation front, your aluminium windows will be low maintenance, resistant to issues that plague timber such as rot, warping and splintering, and be environmentally friendly; aluminium is a recycled material that helps keep your carbon footprint to a minimum. In the same way that improve upon their uPVC cousins, aluminium windows take the advantages of uPVC and push them to the next level.

To learn more about how our aluminium windows can help add value to your home or commercial space in Bexleyheath, Dartford or wider Kent, call our glaziers on 07831 159 559.